To complete a project like my NVCtrip, I need to make a lot of preperations. Right now when I’m on the Canary Islands celebrating my mothers 70th birthday, I have a chance to ride a bike. I don’t like to bike at home when it’s snowy. One of the main reasons is that the bike gets dirty and there is also a lot of salt on the roads, so the chain gets rusty. In other words it’s quite unconvenient.

More important however is the sun. I don’t like using sunprotectors. I don’t believe it’s so good for your skin to put on different kinds of chemicals. I prefer to slowly get the skin used to the sun without burning it. From this summers trip to Denmark I could still see the line between my white and my sunburned skin on my legs before I went here and that was six months ago. So I guess I will have a base of suntan from this week in Canary Islands when it’s time for spring and the chance to catch some sun up north in Stockholm.

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