Who I am

I have offered more than 100 shorter and longer workshops in NVC since 2010. Some of my customers have been:
- Attention
- Botkyrka Folkhögskola
- Fackförbundet ST
- Klockargården
- Lindalens Städ – och Hemtjänst
- Skarpnäcks Folkhögskola
I have been assistant on several of Friare Livs one year programs as well as their shorter workshops.
- The one year NVC program, 2009-2010 (Liv Larsson and Kay Rung, Friare Liv)
- The mediation program, 2011-2012 (Liv Larsson and Kay Rung, Friare Liv)
- The year 2 NVC Training, 2013-2014 (Liv Larsson and Kay Rung, Friare Liv)
- Euro Life, 2016-2017 (Robert Gonzales, Living Compassion)
- Tribal Technologies and Forum, 2017-2018 (Kelly Bryson)
- The International Intensive Training IIT in Denmark, June 2017 (with Gina Lawrie, Jeff Brown, Kathleen Macferran and Kirsten Kristensen)
- The European NVC Summer Festival (2013 Poland, 2014 Sweden, 2015 Denmark, 2016 Austria, 2017 Slovenia, 2018 Denmark).
- Aurora Sparre, Sweden
- Carl Plesner, Denmark
- Diane Baran, France
- François Beausoleil, Canada
- Gregg Kendrick, USA
- Pernille Plantener, Denmark
- Towe Widstrand, Sweden
In my early teens I started listening to punk and reading about anarchism, in the mid 80’s I was involved in different social change movements, squatting houses, anti racist work. In the mid 90’s I took part in Re-evaluation Counselling, in the mid 00’s I came in contact with NVC (Nonviolent Communication) and for some years ago I came in contact with Integral Theory.
I’m eager and curious finding out new knowledge about how we humans function. I read books and articles, listen to podcasts , watch documentaries and participate in discussions, meetings, workshops and conferences about human evolution, psychology, sociology, health and physiology, neuroscience, politics, spirituality and religion and many other topics connected to our existence in this world.
In 2013 me and Kay Rung aimed at running the Camino de Santiago, we lasted for two days and then we walked.