25th June 2019 | Bike and hike
Biofood is my second sponsor during my NVC trip.
23rd June 2019 | Bike and hike
¿Quieres ayudarme en mi camino por Espana? Durante este verano y otoño del 2019 me iré de gira montado en bicicleta desde Estocolmo hasta el Camino de Santiago en España de ida y regreso. Esta aventura la llamo mi NVC-trip (Nonviolent Comunication trip). En mi gira...
19th June 2019 | Bike and hike
Friare Liv has sponsored me with 15 books on NVC by Liv Larsson.
6th June 2019 | Bike and hike
Please share this animated video in your social networks.
18th May 2019 | Bike and hike
Press release about NVCtrip, a 7600 kilometres long adventure through Europe in the summer of 2019.
30th April 2019 | Bike and hike
Willst du mich auf meinem Weg durch Deutschland unterstützen? Im Sommer und Herbst 2019 fahre ich mit dem Fahrrad von Stockholm nach Camino de Santiago in Spanien und zurück. Ich nenne mein Abenteuer ‘GFK-Trip’ (NVC trip).
19th April 2019 | Bike and hike
Two weeks ago I completed my first Vipassana retreat, a ten day meditation course where participants, without talking to each other, meditate ten hours a day from half past five in the morning until nine in the evening. I hardly need to mention that it was extremely...
23rd March 2019 | Bike and hike
14 kilometers was a little too short so yesterday I took a detour while walking to my job. First I walked a dirt road and then carried off on to forest paths. On my way I passed seven lakes in a wooded landscape. Suddenly I noticed that I had a big smile on my lips....
16th March 2019 | Bike and hike
My workplace is a bit off and the nearest distance by public transport is 10 km. All my co-workers have a car except me. The distance, however, doesn’t bother me. On the contrary, I like that it is a bit of a distance to work. It’s a good stretch to walk or run....
2nd March 2019 | Bike and hike
The following text is an invitation to French speaking people to join my project. Pouvez-vous m’aider à traverser la France? Cet été, et jusqu’à l’automne 2019, je ferai le voyage aller-retour de Stockholm en Suède à Saint-Jacques-de Compostelle en Espagne à...